Hello! Today is: 14 March 2025


It's still a work-in-progress but it's good enough!  If I wait until I think it's perfect, it will never be done.  So, welcome to the construction zone for my blog of no particular purpose.  I hope you'll feel like you're visiting a friend.

It's interesting really how much this train of thought characterizes more than just this blog (or any of my blogs).  Most of my life I have hesitated to expose myself in a way that makes me vulnerable to the opinions of others.  My house certainly isn't perfectly clean, organized or decorated but it's reasonable.  When it gets out of control I take the time to regain some order and cleanliness.  Like most women I have imagined that I am the only one struggling to keep up with the mundane chores and tasks of the day for which I am responsible.  These days when I'm honest with myself I know that's simply not true.  I read a lot of blogs, I talk with a lot of moms and I hear about their struggles with some of the same stuff.  I'm not sure if it's because I'm getting older or because there really are more women being honest and admitting that they are struggling.  We need each other if for nothing more than encouragement and acceptance.  Someone to tell us that we're doing okay and that we are loved just the way we are.  I don't know how anyone manages to live without awareness and gratitude for the grace and mercy of God.

So, although the blog doesn't have exactly the colors, graphics or dynamics I want and it's not complete in its links to resources and support  - it's a start.  And it's the same way with our home - it's not nearly as organized and clutter-free as I'd like and the structure of this house is not what our dream home looks like.  There is still so much work to do, some that must be done and some that will just add to the look and feel that we're hoping to achieve.  But there is comfort, laughter, safety, faith and forgiveness.  If I do my part each day to seek God's rhythm and just do the next right thing - letting go of my own expectations and not allowing other people's opinions and expectations to steal my serenity then it becomes all that it is meant to be - a place we are happy to call home.


